︎ Visitor Experience : Experience Visitor ︎ 


About Visitor

We believe that art and technology are catalysts for connection. Our core creative disciplines are founded on the fusion of art and technology within media-activated architecture, via meaningful artist production, curation and collaborations. Our global portfolio spans the spectrum of immersive experiences, site specific activations, public art commissions, digital content design and creation, artist consultation, and virtual and live-action film production

Founded and led by working artists, our team seeks to partner with artists, brands, arts institutions, creative agencies and civic entities to bring digital media into the physical realm, transforming shared spaces into captivating experiences that inspire communities.


Led by our in-house team of visual designers, software engineers, and animators, Visitor offers our clients design services for large-scale digital facades, interactive installations, and experiential displays of all formats and resolutions.


Our in-house team of creatives and artists is equipped with the tools to create and develop bespoke digital art, interactive installations, and unique immersive experiences spanning a variety of disciplines and genres.


Through partnerships with museums, galleries, arts organizations and film festivals—and supported by our established relationships with a vast network of emerging and established artists—Visitor transforms shared spaces into captivating platforms for public art.


The creative team at Visitor works with clients to offer unique digital art consultation services which support the intent and tonality of our clients’ vision.